Definition for
noun – Any substance that is or can be used by painters to impart color to bodies; technically, a dry substance, usually in the form of a powder or in lumps so lightly held together as to be easily pulverized, which after it has been mixed with a liquid medium can be applied by painters to surfaces to be colored.
noun – In biology, organic coloring matter; any organized substance whose presence in the tissues of animals and plants colors them.
noun – Highly spiced wine sweetened with honey; piment.
noun – Any material from which a dye, a paint, or the like, may be prepared; particularly, the refined and purified coloring matter ready for mixing with an appropriate vehicle.
noun – Any one of the colored substances found in animal and vegetable tissues and fluids, as bilirubin, urobilin, chlorophyll, etc.
noun – Wine flavored with species and honey.
noun – a small cell containing coloring matter, as the pigmented epithelial cells of the choroid and iris, or the pigmented connective tissue cells in the skin of fishes, reptiles, etc.
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