Take 30% off all study plans with code MARCHING - Expires on Monday 3/31

Increase your score by 4 points or get your money back.

If Magoosh TOEFL doesn't improve your total score by 4 points, we'll give you a full refund!


  • You must have taken the exam before.
  • Your old score must be less than 2 years old.
  • E-mail us a copy of your "Before" score report when you sign up. A scan or screenshot of your official score report is fine. Click here or email us at help@magoosh.com with the subject line "Before Score Report for TOEFL Score Guarantee" to submit your before score report.


  • Watch all of the lesson videos.
  • Complete all of the Magoosh practice questions.
  • Watch the video explanations for all the questions you answer incorrectly.

What if I've never taken the exam before?

  • You can still use Magoosh, you just won't be eligible for the score guarantee!

We know it may seem like a lot of material, but studying for the TOEFL takes some good old-fashioned hard work! However, we're confident in the effectiveness of Magoosh, so if you've done all of the above and you don't improve your score by at least 4 points, e-mail us a scanned copy of your "After" score report and we will give you 100% of your money back (you must have a Paypal account).

Questions? E-mail us at help@magoosh.com.

Start Magoosh TOEFL Prep Today

Your purchase also comes with a 7-day Money-Back Guarantee. There is no monthly charge. Pay just once.