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Overview of the TOEFL

This content provides a foundational overview of the TOEFL, particularly focusing on the Internet-Based Test (iBT) version, its purpose, comparison with other tests, and the skills it assesses.
  • TOEFL stands for Test of English as a Foreign Language, and iBT stands for the Internet-Based Test, which is the most common format of the exam.
  • The TOEFL is required by colleges and universities for non-native English speakers, but some institutions may accept other tests or have their own English assessments.
  • Other tests like the GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT, SAT, and ACT also test English skills but are designed for native speakers and can be more challenging for non-native speakers.
  • The TOEFL is designed to assess real-world English communication skills across reading, listening, speaking, and writing, rather than memorization of vocabulary or grammar rules.
  • ETS, the same company that makes the GRE and SAT, creates the TOEFL, which shares some similarities with the GRE in format and style.
Introduction to TOEFL and its Formats
Purpose of the TOEFL
Comparison with Other Tests
Skills Assessed by the TOEFL

Note: The list of available locations where the TOEFL can be taken is now located at the following link:

Find Your TOEFL Testing Location