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Listening Section

The listening section of the TOEFL exam is designed to assess your ability to understand academic and real-life conversations in English, featuring a mix of subject-specific vocabulary and informal language.
  • The listening recordings include academic lectures and college life conversations, introducing new vocabulary and topics.
  • Subject-specific words in lectures are defined or explained, making them accessible even if they're new to you.
  • Conversations often involve a student and a professor in informal settings, using more idiomatic and relaxed speech.
  • TOEFL listening recordings are easier to understand than natural speech due to their scripted nature.
  • Note-taking is crucial for success in the listening section, requiring a balance between too much and too little.
  • Understanding the structure of lectures and conversations helps in focusing and retaining information.
  • The listening section includes seven types of questions, including detail, main idea, function, attitude, inference, organization, and category questions.
Understanding TOEFL Listening Content
The Importance of Note-Taking
Question Types in the Listening Section

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